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  March 6, 1999

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Eagle Court of Honor Checklist
for the Troop

Table of Contents


Once the Eagle Character Board has been passed, planning for the Court of Honor can begin. This is a checklist of what volunteers from the troop need to do before and during the Court.

The information contain herein is presented in the hope that it will helpful in planning an Eagle Court of Honor. The majority of the work should be done by the troop, thereby freeing the Eagle Scout and his family to enjoy the occasion. This is especially true on the day of the ceremony. (The Eagle's responsibility is detailed in the Eagle Court of Honor Checklist for the Eagle's Family.) This checklist is fairly detailed so you'll not overlook something and so there will not be any last minute surprises. Please feel free to modify this process to suit your needs.

In recent years nearly all Eagle Courts have been held in O'Donnell Center at American Martyrs Church. This checklist assumes O'Donnell Center will be used.

As Soon As the Scout Has an Eagle Character Board

__ Schedule time at the next Troop Committee meeting to pick a date.

  • Allow time for the paperwork to come back from National Headquarters (typically 4 to 10 weeks).
  • Pick a date compatible with the Scout's family and the troop calendar.
  • The court is usually held in place of a regular troop meeting
  • Plan ceremony for 7pm (start about 7:15pm)

__ Reserve O'Donnell Center

  • American Martyrs Church, 624 15th Street, Manhattan Beach
  • Call the parish secretary
  • Office hours are approximately 9-12 and 1:15 to 5
  • The parish office is on Deacon Place, above O'Donnell Hall, across the driveway from the church
    NOTE:The people at American Martyrs Church are very generous to let us use the O'Donnell Center. Please approach it as a great privilege. Take good care of the facilities and clean up after.

A Month Before or Earlier

__ Send out flyers to cub packs 713 and 759.

__ Optional: Send out an invitation letter to the entire troop and Troop Committee with the current roster and schedule.

At the Troop Committee Meeting Before or Earlier

__ Determine the awards to be given out.

__ Line up presenters for the various awards.

__ Arrange for the Voice of the Eagle.

__ Make a list of prospective candle lighters.

__ Determine who will prepare the program for printing.

__ Form a committee to handle the refreshments.

  • One member needs to be familiar with the O'Donnell kitchen.
  • Committee tasks include:
    1. Buying supplies
    2. Setting up refreshment tables
    3. Setting up the kitchen
    4. Making coffee
    5. Making and replenishing punch
    6. Serving cake (2 people)
    7. Cleaning up after

__ Confirm who has the Eagle banner. Arrange for pickup and delivery to/from O'Donnell Center.

At the Regular Troop Meeting Before

__ Check the preliminary Court of Honor program.

__ Finalize on candle lighters. Ask them to come at 6pm sharp for rehearsal.

__ Remind everyone of the Court (full uniforms are required).

During the Weeks Before

__ Estimate the number of people expected.

  • Check with the Eagle Scout for the approximate number of friends and family members so you can set up the right amount of chairs.

__ Get supplies:

  • Check for leftover supplies in the Scout locker.
  • Buy additional supplies. (Smart & Final has a better price, selection & quality than Costco or Target)
    __Ice rings (make 2 using a ring mold)
    __Punch (2/3 gal of Smart & Final mix; 1 cup of mix to 2 liters of water and 2 liters of 7-up)
    __Cream & sugar
    __Spoons or coffee stirrers
    __Hot cups *
    __Cold cups *
    __6" dessert plates (1 per piece of cake)
    __Forks (1 per plate)
    __Small napkins (red, white & blue or Eagle Scout logo) *
    __Centerpiece flower arrangement
    __2 red 54" x 108" plastic table cloths
    __1 white 54" x 108" plastic table cloths
    __2 blue 54" x 108" plastic table cloths
  • Keep receipts as the troop will reimburse supply expenses.
  • Suggest storing non-perishable supplies in the Scout locker.

    * Eagle emblem items are available at the L.A. or San Pedro Scout Stores or Gardena Dept. Store.

__ Serving pieces needed:

__Creamer and sugar bowl and spoon
__2 punch bowls and 2 ladles
__2 cake cutting knives and serving utensils
__Bowls for nuts & mints
__Coffee servers/warmer bases (you can use O'Donnell Center's)
__Coffee maker (take your own or find out how to use O'Donnell centers coffee maker)

__ Pick up the Eagle award from the downtown Scout Shop.

  • You'll need the letter that was sent to the Eagle Scout.

__ Buy blank Eagle court programs from any Scout Shop. (2 packs of 50)

  • Check with parents for the number of guests they have invited.
  • Plan room set up and refreshments according to the number of people expected.

__ Call and stop by Parish Secretary regarding:

  • Filling out the form on how chairs and tables should be laid out (see diagram). (We may have to set up the chairs and tables ourselves.)
  • Reserve/request the following:
    1. Main room key
    2. Music amplifier room key
    3. Dimmer board to control lights

Couple of Days Before

__ Get the Court of Honor program printed. (about 75 copies)

  • Use good white linen paper.
  • Staple programs together using a long throat stapler.

Day of Court of Honor - Before 3pm

__ Pick up from the Scout locker:

__Advancement cards
__Individual candles for candler lighter Scouts
__Free standing candle holder
__Troop and American flags
__2 flag stands
__2 ropes to hang the Eagle banner
__Supplies for the reception

Day of Court of Honor - At 3pm

__ Stop by Parish Office to get:

  • 2 keys (main room and music amplifier room)
  • Dimmer board
  • Microphone
  • Envelope with instructions
    NOTE:We can't use the center until after school.

Day of Court of Honor - 3pm-6pm

__ Bring in the supplies.

  • Punch ingredients can be put in refrigerators ahead of time (the refrigerators are left open).
  • The freezer is locked but there is an ice machine in kitchen.

__ Set up O'Donnell Center as described below and shown below.

__ Set up one table by entry way (The tables are stored under the stage.)

  • Suggest using a red or blue table cloth.
  • Put programs out.
  • Put out medical release forms with a pen.
  • Put out a guest book with pen. (Optional, provided by Eagle Scout's parents.
  • Put out a flower decoration. (Optional, provided by Eagle Scout's parents.)

__ Set up a table to display the Eagle award and the Eagle Scout's stuff.

__ Set up 3-4 tables for rank advancements, merit badges, awards, etc.

  • Set out awards in the order of presentation.

__ Set up two tables in front of the kitchen for the cake and punch.

  • Suggest using a blue table cloth on one end, red on the other.
  • Use a white table cloth in the middle with the cake on it.
  • Put out cake, punch bowels, cups, nuts and mints.
    NOTE:Don't put out the punch, nuts, or mints until after the ceremony.
  • Put out 2 flower decorations. (Optional, provided by Eagle Scouts parents.)

__ Set up another table between the kitchen and stage for coffee.

  • Suggest using a red or blue table cloth.
  • Put out coffee, cups cream, sugar, and stirrers.

__ Check chair position.

  • 8 rows of 16 chairs. (Adjust the number of rows as needed.)
  • Leave an aisle in the middle.

__ Set up the free standing candle holder near the left stairs.

__ Set up the troop and American Flags on stage by the stairs.

__ Pin Advancement cards to the stage curtain, 3 per side, in order.

__ Install the Eagle banner.

  • Hang from the bar in the ceiling so it just touches the stage.
  • Close middle curtain until it just touches the edge of the banner.
  • Keep it hidden until needed.

__ Get the sound and lighting system working.

Day of Court of Honor - 6pm-7pm

__ The candle lighters should show up at 6pm.

__ Conduct a complete run through of the ceremony.


__ Wash, dry and store kitchen items that were used.

__ Take down the Eagle banner and placards.

__ Have Scouts carry the trash to the outside dumpsters.

__ Stack the chairs by colors against the clock (West) wall.

__ Mop up any spilled coffee or punch. Sweep the floor.

__ Follow instructions provided with the keys.

__ Return the keys through mail slot at the Church Office.

__ Return leftover paper goods to the Scout locker

O'Donnell Center Setup

O'Donnel Center Setup (5k)


These notes were compiled from previous Troop 849 notes and from the experiences gained during Jon Maynard's (1995) and Ryan Thorpe's (1996) Eagle Courts.

Valid HTM 4.01, Valid CSS level 1 Original draft April 1996 by Tom Thorpe. Permission to duplicate and use for Scouting purposes is hereby granted to all Boy Scout organizations. Please give Troop 849 credit as may be due them.

©2017 Boy Scout Troop 849, Manhattan Beach, CA. http://troop849.org/