New Members
Scout Pages
Special Awards
Summer Camp
Last Updated:
January 30, 2009
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Financial Things
Activity Fees
We aim the keep each activity self supporting.
- Weekend hikes usually cost from $15-30 which covers driving (gas), campsite fees, and food expenses. These fees are collected just before departure. Please bring exact change.
- Some additional lunch money is also needed as we usually stop for a fast food lunch on the way home.
- Summer Camp fees are set by the camp and vary from camp to camp. Lately they have run from $350 to $400.
- Longterm fees run about $125 and are payable when you sign up for Longterm.
Fund Raisers
We do not do any door-to-door fund raisers. Our main fund raiser is a food booth at the Old Hometown Fair. In the past we have sold pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers and soda. All Scouts and their parents are expected to work shifts at the booth. Proceeds from the booth are used to buy the patches and awards that you can earn. We also the money to buy equipment for the troop.
Camperships are available for those needing them. We don't want any boy to miss out on Scouting due to a financial hardship. Please consult with the Scoutmaster or the Troop Committee chairman for details. All camperships are strictly confidential.
Training Reimbursement
All adult members of the troop are encouraged to take advantage of the excellent training offered by the BSA and the troop. Many training costs will be reimbursed by the troop. When in doubt, check with the Troop Committee Chairman before incurring any expenses.
Reimbursement Schedule
Offered by |
Training |
Cost |
Comments |
Troop 849 |
First Aid |
Free |
Troop members only |
Free |
Troop members only |
Wilderness First Aid |
Free |
Troop members only |
Red Cross |
First Aid |
100% reimbursed |
Use training provided by the troop. Reimbursement requires prior approval.
Wilderness and Remote First Aid |
Adult Leader Backpack Training |
100% reimbursed |
Submit receipt to the Troop Committee Chairman |
Rock Climbing |
100% reimbursed |
Submit receipt to the Troop Committee Chairman |
Other |
Varies |
Check with the Troop Committee Chairman before attending |
Contents of this page provided by Tom Thorpe.
©2017 Boy Scout Troop 849, Manhattan Beach, CA. http://troop849.org/