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Troop 849
Manhattan Beach, CA
Boy Scouts of America

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Last Updated:
  September 16, 2011

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Rank Advancement Ceremony

Overview | Scout Rank Script | Tenderfoot Rank Script | Second Class Rank Script | First Class Rank Script | Star Rank Script | Life Rank Script

This ceremony is also available in PDF format (100k) and Word format (88k)

First Class Rank Advancement Script

Congratulations to those Scouts that achieved the First Class Scout Rank.

The First Class Rank signifies that the Scout has mastered basic Scouting skills and demonstrates the Scout spirit. With the mastering of the basic skills, our First Class Scouts now enter into a different phase of Scouting. The First Class Scouts will be judged on their progression of leadership skills, including setting the example of Scout spirit, assisting the younger Scouts, and taking active leadership responsibilities in the troop.

To attain First Class, demonstrating the mastering of basic Scout skills, our Scouts have:

  1. Participated in ten separate troop activities, three of which must be overnight campouts.
  2. Demonstrated how to find the compass directions day or night without using a compass.
  3. Demonstrated Orienteering and measurement skills in the field that cover at least one mile.
  4. Participated in the menu planning, preparation and cleanup for your patrol for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Served as Patrol Cook on one campout.
  5. Discussed Constitutional rights and obligations with a civic leader, teacher, judge, or attorney.
  6. Know and demonstrate how and when to use lashings.
  7. Demonstrate selected rescue procedures.
  8. Know "safe trip afloat" precautions.
  9. Demonstrate water survival skills and pass the BSA swimmer test.
  10. Demonstrated the Scout Spirit by living the Scout Promise and Scout Oath in everyday life.
  11. Participated in a Scoutmaster Conference and a Board of Review where he confirmed that he met the requirements to be a First Class Scout.

(#)____ Scouts are awarded the First Class Rank tonight:

(After all the Scouts and parents are on stage.)

  • I would like to take a moment if anyone would like to take pictures of our Scouts.

(After pictures)

  • Please join me in congratulating these Scouts for attaining the First Class rank. (Applause)
  • Would the Scouts and the parents please be reseated.

(Turn microphone back to Master of Ceremonies.)

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©2017 Boy Scout Troop 849, Manhattan Beach, CA. http://troop849.org/