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Home Backpacking Ceremonies Last Updated: July 4, 2001 |
Trail of the Eagle Ceremony
Main Ceremony |
Voice of the Eagle Script |
Eagle Honor Guard |
Eagle Charge |
Eagle Promise
Voice of the Eagle ScriptBefore the dawn of light of day, when our creator made earth and man, there was darkness. As light was given, man could see and advance along his way. Throughout history, mankind's progress can be measured in units of little bits of light - a spark of faith - of ingenuity - philosophy - art. All these have added to the light on our path through life. So, too, is the Scouting trail lit by little bits of light. Little bits left by the millions of boys who have started up the Eagle Trail. I, as the voice of the Eagle, am the embodiment of the boys who have started up the Eagle Trail. I have watched each of them as they made the climb. __________, your climb really began with a decision - a most significant decision. Your decision was not based on any lofty idealistic reasons. Instead, you had the reasons most young boys would have - you wanted fun and companionship. [Scout comes out, lights his candle from the main candle then goes to his plaque on stage.] But whatever the reason, you made the simple decision to join the Boy Scouts of America. The light of your decision was dim indeed but the spark had been lit. The way was marked. We remember well when you first came to the base of the cliff and how you looked up in eager anticipation of the fun of camping and fellowship. And soon, after learning our flag's history, a few knots, and so forth, you made this promise: "On my honor I will do my best: to do my duty to God and my country, and to obey the Scout Law: to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight." [Pause] "A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent." [Pause] Dwell on those words for a moment. Roll them around in your mind. Few phrases outline so fine a set of precepts. As an Eagle, you are expected to live up to them all your life. Many boys such as you, __________, have passed this way before and, in passing, have left a light. This light is the spirit of Scouting. It embodies the fine principles of the Scout Oath and Law, and is a shining beacon of inspiration. [Tenderfoot comes out, lights his candle and stands by his plaque.] [Pause until Scout is in his place.] The light that each boy leaves may be feeble indeed, but when multiplied by the millions of boys in Scouting, it is very powerful. Your path ahead was dimly lit by the light of your resolution. With that first step up the trail, you began to build yourself, physically, mentally, and morally. You started living the promise you had made. All the while you were on the trail, we saw you learn by doing. You learned to care for yourself, if lost, if injured, or if hungry. More importantly, you began to put into practice the precepts of Scouting - Scout spirit and service to others. You were truly a Tenderfoot at first. But not for long. [Second Class comes out, lights his candle and stands by his plaque.] For soon you reached the first ledge and there you were greeted by a large group of Second Class Scouts. [Pause until Scout is in his place.] Most Scouts reach this ledge. Some, like yourself, were stopping to catch their breath before continuing along the trail. The others were content and went no further. Your path was lit more brightly, but the trail was becoming steeper. Ahead of you lay the first real summit of your climb - the First Class peak. Up until now, you had been learning the rudiments of Scouting and how to care for yourself. You now began to learn leadership principles and how to care for others. You found you must become proficient in many skills related to the survival of yourself and others under difficult conditions. [First Class comes out, lights his candle and stands by his plaque.] [Pause until Scout is in his place.] Yes, you learned these new skills but, most importantly, your Scout spirit was growing with you, until almost before you knew it, you had reached the First Class peak. Here you were greeted by an even smaller group than before, and you were tempted to remain on this ledge and bask in First Class glory, just as many of the others were doing, but the light of your Scout spirit had grown bright indeed. Your past accomplishments and the growth of your character spurred you on. The rank of Star Scout, which had seemed so unattainable such a short time before, now seemed within your reach. But to grasp it, you found you must not only become adept in many new skills, but again, the most important factor was the continued growth of your Scout spirit which you demonstrated by your citizenship, scholarship, community service and the help and leadership you extended to your fellow Scouts - particularly those below you on the trail. [Star comes out, lights his candle and stands by his plaque.] Again you proved yourself worthy. You were awarded the rank of Star Scout by your Scoutmaster. [Pause until Scout is in his place.] The path behind you was bright with your accomplishments. The rank of Eagle was becoming dimly lit in the distance. But before you could reach my nest, you found a third major summit blocking your way - the Life Scout rank. Now the trail was steeper, and much less worn. The path was becoming lonely. You looked back and saw the crowds below you; you looked up but saw few above you. With renewed determination, you continued your climb up the trail, but now you found it harder to demonstrate continued growth of your character and your Scout spirit because you were growing out of the boyhood stage. You now had to show that you had an understanding of your responsibilities as a citizen and a member of our society and a willingness to accept those responsibilities. In learning the new skills demanded of this rank, you found that your school homework was becoming a serious and conflicting problem - yet both Scout work and homework must be done well. You solved this problem by learning one of the more important lessons of Scouting - the need to ration and utilize your time efficiently and effectively. It is a lesson all must learn. [Life Scout comes out, lights his candle and stands by his plaque.] And thus you were awarded the rank of Life Scout. [Pause until Scout is in his place.] As the heart badge was placed on your uniform, I am sure you will never forget the thought in your heart: it has been experienced by most Scouts on Life's peak. You thought, "Now I am close to the Eagle's nest. I must and I will carry on." The path toward Eagle Rank was now clear and well lighted but still far above you. Many boys start up the Scouting trail from the foot of the mountain. Most reach Second Class. Many reach First Class. But as the path steepens, fewer and fewer boys have the perseverance and sense of selfless service to others to reach the higher ranks. At the summit of Life Scout you had but few comrades. On your further climb toward Eagle, the trail was lonelier yet. The path becomes precipitous. The physical requirements were strenuous and the mental standards were high. But along the way, you were gaining in stature - physically, mentally, and morally. And this growth was necessary because the most important requirement for Eagle is the personal character of a Scout as reflected in the ideals of Scouting. These were demonstrated by your cooperation and service to others, in the home, at school, in the community - as well as within the troop. Yes, __________, we have watched your character unfold and become more manly. We have watched your leadership expand into a valuable asset, and we have watched your mind develop and your wisdom increase. We have watched all these things in you and approve. And now that you are at the threshold of your goal, we welcome you, for you have done your climbing in a true Scout-like manner. [Pause] Will the Eagle Honor Guard escort __________ to his place in the light of their spirit. [Turn on front stage lights (switches #5 and #7 from level 4 to full on) as the Honor guard and the Eagle candidate arrive center stage.] [As __________ assumes his place, all other Scouts blow out their candles and return to their seats.] __________, to symbolize your climb from the day you made that little but important decision until this night when you will achieve your goal, will you now repeat the Scout Oath and Law - thus reaffirming your belief in those ideals. [Wait while he says it. ] [As he finishes the Oath and Law, wait a moment, then turn spots on Eagle emblem (switch #8 to full on) while turning down the front stage lights (switches #5 and #7) and bring up lights on switch #10 to level 6.] __________, will you now take your rightful place before the emblem of the Eagle. [Pause until he gets there and comes to attention facing the audience.] There before you stands a young man who long ago say, "On my honor I will do my best," and his best was good enough. One can ask no more of any man. Look upon him, fellow Scouts; you too can become an Eagle. The path is difficult, but the goal is worthy. Are you men enough to climb the path and stand beside him and the others who have reached the crest? Resolve now that you are! __________ will now give the Eagle Charge to __________. [The charge is given - see Eagle Charge page.] Up through the rank of Life Scout, the troop can authorize and give the awards. The rank of Eagle, however, is awarded only by the National Council upon the carefully considered recommendation of the District Eagle Board of Review and the local council. You have been previously interrogated and investigated by a select board of review composed not of members of your troop, but by a group of the recognized leaders of the several South Bay communities. Their investigation has been thorough and their recommendation has been accepted by the National Council. __________ has been authorized by the National Council to give you the Eagle Scout Promise. [Receives promise - see Eagle Promise page.] Many persons have contributed to the achievements of this young man: his adult Scout leaders, of course, but even more importantly, his parents. Few boys can climb this arduous path without their help and encouragement. Will the Eagle Honor Guard escort ____________________ to stand with their son. [Honor Guard does so.] During his climb, __________ learned from and was encouraged by many adult Scout leaders, and particularly his Scoutmaster. It is, therefore, only fitting and proper that __________________ be with him during this moment of glory and aid in the presentation of the Eagle Award. Will the Honor Guard now escort __________________ to the stage. [One guard brings the award and stands to the rear of __________ until the conclusion of the ceremonies. Other guard remains on the stage too.] One man played a dominant role along the road which brought __________ to the place in which he now stands. That man is his Scoutmaster. It is therefore proper that he claim the privilege of making this presentation - __________________. [Presentation ceremony - be sure to wait for Mother's pin to be presented before proceeding.] Will the Honor Guard come forward and be the first Eagle Scouts to congratulate their new colleague. [Honor Guard does so.] ![]() ©2017 Boy Scout Troop 849, Manhattan Beach, CA. http://troop849.org/ |