Long-term Hikemaster's Handbook
Introduction |
Locations |
Permits |
Equipment |
Food |
Travel |
Cost |
Regardless of the destination or duration of the hike, a basic set of tasks and events need to happen. This is a list of those activities in an approximate time order.
Overall Time Line
6-12 months before | Request wilderness permit |
Weeks before | Order mail order supplies |
1-2 weeks before | Buy store food |
Saturday before | Pack food |
Tuesday before | Pack inspection/stuff food |
Six to Twelve Months Before
Apply for a wilderness permit on the first day it becomes available. The first available date varies from trailhead to trailhead and year to year. Check with the rangers.
A Month Before or Earlier
Prepare a preliminary list of attendees.
Sit down as a group.
__ Decide what the meals will be.
__ Get individual food dislikes and allergies.
__ Identify individual medical issues.
Make up a preliminary menu.
Make up a map and directions to the trailhead for the drivers.
Make up a map and directions to Sizzler and Baskin-Robbins for the drivers. (See the troop website.)
Make sure everyone in the group has a medical form on file with the troop.
Order maps.
Order backpacking food.
Several Weeks Before
Finalize the list of attendees.
Collect money from the attendees.
Determine the drivers.
Complete the GLAAC-HAT paperwork.
__ Fill out a High Adventure Award Application.
__ Make up a trail schedule.
__ Make up a trail profile from the trail schedule.
__ Attach all of the above and a menu to the application.
__ Get the application approved by a High Adventure Team member.
Request multiple peaks from a High Adventure Team member if required.
Finalize the menu.
Make up a grocery shopping list.
Buy the grocery store items.
Cancel extra wilderness permit slots when the head count is firm.
One Week Before
Checkout troop equipment.
- Get new lighters for the cook kits.
- It is also a good time to buy new frying pans.
Light all stoves and very they work.
Verify the fuel bottle hoses don't leak.
Verify the water cubes don't leak.
Wash all cook kits.
Checkout special long-term equipment.
__ Stove repair kit.
__ Replacement stove hose.
__ Splint.
__ Thermometer.
Get personal iodine bottles for first-time people.
Determine what the trailhead food will be and who will buy and prepare it.
Saturday Before
Pack food.
- As a group at the Scout House.
- Discard extra packaging.
- Measure into exact portions.
- Use lots of Zip-Lock bags.
- Mark contents and cooking directions on each package.
- Package paper towels separately to save space in the bear canister.
Within The Next Two Days
Allocate the troop equipment and food to individuals.
- Determine Scout body weight/hiking ability to assign weight.
- Update the spreadsheet for people and equipment.
- Record the food package weights in the spreadsheet.
- Allocate the equipment and food using the spreadsheet. See the spreadsheet for details.
- The total weight of the food and troop equipment should be 1.25-1.5 lb. per person per day. This does not include bear canisters or tents.
Make copies of the menu and the food allocation list for everyone.
Tuesday Before
Determine tent buddies.
Have everyone check out tents and bear canisters.
- Everyone should setup and thoroughly check their tent.
Inspect Scout packs. Adults are optional.
- Only required items are present.
- Missing items are itemized.
Distribute topo maps.
Distribute food packages.
Sequester packs.
Just Before Leaving (Optional)
If driving:
__ Wash the car.
__ Vacuum car to remove food crumbs.
Water seal the boots.
Get a haircut.
Empty wallet of non-essential items.
Day Before
Get gas.
Buy the fresh food.
Clean the car windshield.
Travel Day
__ Menus for everyone.
__ Food allocation lists for everyone.
__ Map/directions to trailhead for drivers.
__ Map/directions to Sizzler and Baskin-Robbins for drivers.
__ Wilderness permit reservation.
__ Scout camp reservation. (If required)
__ Fresh food.
__ Trailhead food and cooking supplies.
__ Extra gas for trailhead cooking.
At the Scout House.
__ Verify that all Scouts have either a medical form (yellow card) or a parent going along.
__ Verify items that were missing from the Scout packs have been supplied.
__ Pass out driving maps/directions.
__ Assign Scouts to the cars. Either order by rank or ad hoc.
__ Exchange cell phone numbers.
__ Determine where to stop for lunch.
Stop by the trailhead ranger station.
- Pick up the wilderness permit.
- Get a California fire permit if it is not part of the wilderness permit.
- Verify where fires are permitted.
- Ask about the bear situation.
- Ask about bear boxes along the trail.
At the trailhead.
- Distribute the menus.
- Distribute the food lists.
- Assign cook groups.
Hike Day
Count off at the trailhead so each person has a number.
Last Day
Collect the troop equipment (except the tents and bear canisters).
Have everyone recombine tent halves.
- One person to clean the tent and return it to the locker.
After The Hike
Clean the troop equipment and return it to the locker.
Return the special long-term equipment (repair kit, splint, etc.).
Turn the GLAAC-HAT paperwork into the GLAAC Scout Shop to buy the awards.
Submit an expense report to the Troop Treasurer. Include all receipts.
Submit an Activity Report to the troop. This is usually done electronically. The Activity Report is available on the Forms page of our website.
Contents of this page entered by Tom Thorpe.
©2018 Boy Scout Troop 849, Manhattan Beach, CA. http://troop849.org/